
Low Interest Commercial Loan Program for Farms

This program offers your farm or agri-business financing options to help save energy while adding to your bottom line through the adoption and installation of end-user energy efficiency measures and customer-sited renewable generation and greenhouse gas reduction measures. The result in savings can lower your bills and reduce the environmental impacts of energy production, delivery and use.

For additional information about the Energize Delaware Low-Interest Commercial Loan Program contact Keith Modzelewski, Program Manager by phone at 302-883-3048 or  email keith@deseu.org.

For application assistance call Stephanie Maves at 800-361-5663 extension 6953 or email smaves@slipstreaminc.org.


Program financing is available to all credit-qualified farms or agri-businesses located in existing facilities, whether owned or leased, in the State of Delaware.

For additional information regarding eligibility; please refer to the DESEU’s Direct Lending Activities – Policies and Procedures Manual.

Loan amounts, financing and terms

Loan amounts can range between $30,000 and $2,000,000 per project for businesses and are based on the availability of funds. No more than $2,000,000 shall be outstanding to any one borrower. Interest rates will be determined by the Loan Committee and shall range between 50 and 120% of Municipal Bond Yields for 20-year bonds with an AA rating.

Terms are:

  • A term that is justified by the projected cash flow where an energy savings performance contract model is used up to 20 years.

Minimum requirements

  • Energy efficiency measures must be justified by an energy assessment. Renewable energy projects require a feasibility study.
  • Contractors must meet requirements for Energize Delaware’s Responsible Contractor Policy and the State of Delaware prevailing wage rates for mechanics and/or laborers contract greater than $50,000.
  • Applicant must demonstrate the ability to repay the loan as evidenced by review of credit history, financial statements, and bank and trade references.
  • For energy efficiency projects, savings over the weighted useful life of the measures must be greater than the cost of the measures including financing.
  • Clean Vehicle Options include the purchase, lease or retrofit of alternatively fueled vehicles, electric vehicles and charging stations, as well as alternative fueling infrastructure.
  • Applicant must demonstrate the ability to repay the loan or lease as evidenced by review of credit history, financial statements, and bank and trade references.